Expert Care and Occupational Therapy Services
Moving and Handling and Risk Assessments

Moving and Handling and Risk Assessments

Our clients frequently experience challenges in their daily routines. CPPS occupational therapists work with clients and the team around them to identify the difficulties faced, and to recommend bespoke solutions that reduce risk.

Moving and handling assessments require careful consideration of the needs of the client and their families/carers as well as their environment. This enables the therapist to provide advice and intervention on safe, effective facilitation of moving and handling, while maximising client independence.

Our therapists are highly skilled in identifying required moving and handling equipment, for example hoists and slings, transfer aids and positioning aids. Crucially, we also provide written protocols and training in the safe use of this equipment with our clients.

We undertake a range of risk assessments considering everyday safety for our clients and family/carers. This process supports a person’s independence as much as possible whilst working within a legislative framework.

Client Parent

“As xxxx grows, we will undoubtedly start experiencing new issues along the way. It is certainly comforting to know we have CPPS to continue to help guide and support us, providing extensive knowledge in a multitude of areas.”