Expert Care and Occupational Therapy Services
Fatigue Management

Fatigue Management

Living with fatigue is challenging and learning to manage it is complex. Our team of occupational therapists can support clients and those around them to develop a shared understanding of fatigue, recognise the impact it has on our client’s everyday functioning and quality of life and explore how best to manage the fatigue.

Establishing what fatigue looks like on an individual basis enables bespoke strategies to be developed by our occupational therapists with our clients. We aim to help clients and carers to recognise their personal signs and symptoms of fatigue and when best to take a break, to grade tasks and reduce effort to help energy conservation, and to prioritise and plan ahead to help with pacing.

Through the creation of a personalised fatigue management plan, we develop an understanding of our client’s fatigue experiences and provide strategies to enable them to participate in their chosen occupations.

Client Parent

“Both myself and my child have an excellent relationship with our CPPS Occupational Therapist, and I feel absolutely confident that they have his best interests at heart.”